Origin- Ferret origins are uncertain but it is most likely domesticated from the European polecats about 2,500 years ago. New Zealand has the worlds largest population of ferrets.

Lifespan-  6-8 years

Diet- Carnivores. They eat meat, fish and proteins. At Secret Valley, we feed out ferrets a specially designed raw meat diet.

We have three ferrets- Aldi, Lidl and Slinky!

Description- There are four basic colours, the sable, albino, dark eyed white and silver. All other colours of a ferret are variations of these four categories. Female ferrets are called jills, a spaded female is called a sprite. Male ferrets are called hobs and neutered males are called gibs. A group of ferrets is called a business of ferrets. There are strict regulations on ferrets around the world and in some countries it is illegal to keep them as pets.