Guinea Pig

OriginC. porcellus is a domesticated species of guinea pig. There are no feral population of this species, however the domesticated species originates from wild species of guinea pig, most likely the Montane Guinea Pig. Domesticated guinea pigs originated from the Andes region of South America where they were domesticated for meat production. Now domesticated guinea pigs are found all over the world where they are kept as pets.

Lifespan– 4-7 years. The longest recorded living guinea pig survived 14 years 10.5 months.

Diet– Herbivore. Their natural diet in the wild is grass. In captivity need a balanced diet of hay, fruit and vegetables and like humans cannot make their own vitamin D, so they need to be fed a guinea pig pellet which contains it.

Description- There is over ten different colour types. They are very social and intelligent animals and have many vocal calls. They can learn complex paths to food and remember the paths for months, they can jump small obstacles and are great swimmers. They are a rodent so need to gnaw to keep their teeth short.

Gestation– An average of 63-68 days with a litter size of 2-4, the largest litter recorded is 17. Pups are well developed at birth with teeth, claws and partial eyesight and are mobile and will eat solid food immediately but will suckle for up to six weeks.

European Rabbit

The European rabbit is the only rabbit to be domesticated. Domesticated rabbits do not always look much like wild rabbits due to selective breeding to create morphologies from dwarf to giant sizes, various colour variations and fur length variations.

Origin – The European rabbit is native to southwestern Europe and northwest Africa. It has been widely introduced elsewhere, now being found in many countries. It is found on every continent except Antarctica.

Lifespan – 9 years

Diet – Wild rabbits graze and browse. Grass is their primary food source, however they also eat leaves, buds, tree bark and roots. If available they will also eat lettuce, cabbage and grains.

Description – The wild European rabbit is relatively small, between 34 and 50 com in length. It usually has greyish brown fur. They have four sharp incisor teeth (2 top, 2 bottom) that grow continuously throughout its life, but is worn down by gnawing. They have long ears and strong back legs; both traits to help avoid predators. They are social animals and live in groups called warrens.

Gestation– Although it varies, gestation of the European rabbit is around 31 days. Rabbits can give birth to litters of 2 to 12 offspring. Baby rabbits are called kittens and they suckle for 4 weeks. Rabbits reach sexual maturity at 3 to 4 months of age. Rabbits can have between 4 and 7 litters per year; that’s a possibility of around 70 kittens a year!

Conservation – While European rabbits are considered a pest and threat to biodiversity out of its natural range, within its natural range of southwestern Europe (Spain and Portugal) the population has declined by an estimated 95% since 1950. It is an important species within its native range and occurs in some protected areas in Spain. It is currently listed as Near Threatened by the IUCN.Near threatened iucn